SevereWXWarn is mainly known by the masses for it's work and development in weather applications and websites. In 2015 alone SevereWXWarn has had over 60,000 downloads on Android and Apple and currently has 55 applications in both app stores. SevereWXWarn has also had mainstream success on it's website while serving over 1.2 million customers in 2015 including many local governments, which use our forecasts and maps. We have developed a number of applications in the travel space and we are now making a move into the sports and outdoors categories with our first application targeted towards hunters. Our Waterfowl Duck Calls application features over 20 species of ducks that can be found in North America. The application will be available on Android today and available on Apple next weekend. We are in the heart of duck season and we are excited to offer something to an entirely new category of people, which we believe will ultimately expand our presence in the weather and outdoors category. You can find the application by typing "SevereWXWarn", "Hoggard", or "Waterfowl Duck Calls" today on Android and next week on Apple. Another way to view all of our applications is the click the "Apps" icon in the main menu on this site. We look forward to serving all of our customers in 2016 with bigger and better applications and web technologies.