Where Does North Carolina Rank With Hurricane Landfalls
North Carolina has seen it's fair share of hurricanes throughout the past century. As a matter of fact North Carolina has had 46 hurricanes make landfall within the state. 12 of these hurricanes were major hurricanes. Though hurricane season spans June-November North Carolina has only seen a major hurricane during the months of August, September and October. The most dangerous time historically for hurricanes in NC spanning from August 15-September 15. Overall looking at the history of major hurricane landfalls 33% hit NC in August and 58% hit in September. Overall when looking at the states North Carolina ranks #4 for hurricane landfalls as well as major hurricane landfalls. Overall North Carolina is hit by 16% of hurricanes that make landfall in the U.S. and is hit by 13% of major hurricanes that make landfall in the U.S. Overall we have a few months before hurricane season begins, but these stats should give you a good idea of how North Carolina has been affected historically by hurricanes.
Most Hurricane Landfalls
1. Florida 110
2. Texas 59
3. Louisiana 49
4.North Carolina 46
-33% of Hurricanes hit NC in August
-58% of Hurricanes hit NC in September